Juniors 7-11

11+ / Selection Test Exams
The 11+ or selection test entrance exam will only affect those who live in an area where there are grammar schools and is completely voluntary, although some counties require you to opt-out.

If your child suffers from an allergy, it can be miserable, for both you and your child, but you are not alone as 40% of children in the UK

Bedtime Routine
With after school clubs and other commitments, sticking to a bedtime routine can get trickier as your child gets older.

Childhood Illnesses
However, much you try to avoid it, your child will get ill at some point, we take a look at some common illnesses and he best way to...

Healthy Habits
Teaching your child healthy eating habits can have a massive impact on their health in later years.

Here we look at it in more detail, the benefits, how it works and also some suggested places to find these meditations.

Mental Health Awareness
Mental health is more widely talked about than it used to be and is also part of the national curriculum, but it is important that you...

Quick Healthy Breakfasts
As children get older and schedules get busier, it can be sometimes difficult to make sure your child has a healthy breakfast...

SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are a way to measure the schooling system in England and affect children in both year 2...

Social Anxiety
As your child gets older, some children may start being more aware of what others think, this could be linked to what clothes to wear...

Crafts is a great way to engage your children offline and something you can enjoy too. Thankfully the days of finger painting and...

Free School Meals
At present in England, every child in reception, year 1 and year 2 receive a free school meal, if they attend a state-funded school.

Kids Banking
When to start giving your child pocket money is a difficult one and varies from family to family. You could start rewarding your...

Online Safety
Kids love being online whether that’s playing games or talking to their friends, but it’s important that they understand how to stay safe...

Bedtime Routine
With after school clubs and other commitments, sticking to a bedtime routine can get trickier as your child gets older.

Healthy Habits
Teaching your child healthy eating habits can have a massive impact on their health in later years.

Quick Healthy Breakfasts
As children get older and schedules get busier, it can be sometimes difficult to make sure your child has a healthy breakfast

SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are a way to measure the schooling system in England and affect children in both year 2...