SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are a way to measure the schooling system in England and affect children in both year 2...
SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are a way to measure the schooling system in England and affect children in both year 2, at the end of key stage 1 and year 6, at the end of key stage 2.
Key Stage 1 Testing These tests take place in May and are completed in the children’s normal classroom, are informal and will not be timed.
There are up to three papers and will test a child’s ability in maths, reading and there is also an optional paper on English grammar, punctuation and spellings. From 2022/23 academic year, SATs at the end of Key Stage 1 will be replaced by a new assessment called RBA (reception baseline assessment). The RBA is a one-to-one exercise which will take 20 minutes and is conducted by the teacher in an informal setting within the first six weeks od them starting primary school. Key Stage 2 Testing These assessments also take place in May and are more formal than the Key Stage 1 assessments.
They are for year 6 children and test both English (grammar, punctuation, spelling and reading) and maths.
They both last 45 minutes each and will be taken under exam conditions, either in the children’s classroom or more likely in a school hall with children sitting on their own desk. Will you see the results? It is unlikely you will be told your child’s results from the key stage 1 assessment, unless you ask, however you will be given a guideline on whether your child is working above, on or below the expected standard and this will most likely be in the end of year report. If your child has sat their SATs in year 6, then you will be given a SATs score in July, and this will also show whether they are reaching the expected level across the country. The results are also published annually in the primary school league tables so you can see how your child’s school has done across a national average.
SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are a way to measure the schooling system in England and affect children in both year 2...