Drama is a fantastic club for your child to get involved in, whatever their age. They may have been taking drama classes since...
Drama is a fantastic club for your child to get involved in, whatever their age.
They may have been taking drama classes since they were tiny, or they may have only just discovered their theatrical side, whichever it is, drama classes can have some really positive outcomes.
Benefits of Drama Clubs Apart from the obvious, drama classes can help increase a child’s confidence.
They will learn how to perform in front of others, sing and dance as well as other skills depending on the club.
This can then be used in their everyday lives, helping them stand up in front of their class to read their work or help them speak up in a situation where they may not otherwise feel comfortable.
Drama classes can really bring out a different side of a child, as they are not having to be themselves but playing a part, it’s amazing the difference this can have on their self-esteem.
Drama classes also help improve teamwork, as they will have to come up with ideas together for performances and acts, it will give them plenty of opportunities to share their ideas in a safe environment.
It also can help nurture creativity in many different forms and help them express themselves in positive ways. It is also nice, like with any club, to be able to make friends outside of school.
If your child is particularly into drama, then they will most likely find like-minded children attending the club which they may be able to relate more to than their school friends. How do you know if its right for your child.
The best thing to do, like anything is to give it a try.
Most drama clubs will offer a free trial where they can try a session to see what it is like.
If your child knows someone who attends a drama club, then they may offer ‘bring a friend’ sessions, which is ideal as your child will be able to go with their friend, but if not, drama clubs are always very welcoming.
There are a few national companies that offer drama clubs throughout the UK or if there isn’t one close-by then there may be an amdram club at your local theatre, which may be open to adults and children alike.
Drama is a fantastic club for your child to get involved in, whatever their age.
They may have been taking drama classes since...