
Choosing the Right School
You thought choosing your child’s primary school was difficult, fast forward a few years and you’re back.

Such a difficult topic, but one that affects many teenagers, with more young people today being affected by depression...

GCSE Options
At the end of Key Stage 3, end of Year 9, your child will be asked to choose which GCSE’s they would like to take when they start Key Stage

Mindfulness has many benefits from helping calm anxiety and anger to allowing us to be more grateful for what we have.

Quick Midweek Dinners
As schedules get busier and more fragmented it is important to be able to whip up something quick.

Trouble Sleeping
If you’re worrying that your teen isn’t getting enough sleep, then we take a look at what can be done to hopefully improve the situation...

Yoga Nidra
Yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is one of the easiest yoga practices and is a form of guided mediation.

Acne is an unfortunate side effect of being a teenager and affects about 95% of people aged 11 to 30.

If your child suffers from an allergy, it can be miserable, for both you and your child, but you are not alone as 40% of children in the UK

Bedtime Routine
With after school clubs and other commitments, sticking to a bedtime routine can get trickier as your child gets older.

Child Benefit Explained
Every parent and carer should complete the Child Benefit claim form, even if they don’t qualify for the weekly payments...

Childhood Illnesses
However, much you try to avoid it, your child will get ill at some point, we take a look at some common illnesses and he best way to...